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This is an open-source directory for FIRST teams and interested students looking to spread and learn STEM skills and FIRST values. Our team has brainstormed, designed, and curated this collection for the community.
To access curriculum, please click the title of the respective course topic. Scroll down to discover more.

Our Resources

This course aims to cover the basics of the Python language. Students who take this course will engage in solving challenge problems and creating projects to demonstrate their new skills

This course aims to cover the basics of the Java programming language. Students who take this course will be engaged in solving challenge problems and creating projects to demonstrate their new skills

Discover the vast frontier of the world wide web! This curriculum covers the basics to building a website. Use your imagination or build off a model to create a functioning website!

With robotics being such a vast field in STEM, there is much to learn about it. This course covers the basics of robotics at a high-school level and introducing the foundation of an industrial-level understanding.

The engineering design process is a vital component to any field of engineering. Based on a logically compiled progression of tasks, the design process provides the basis for any problem-solving task.

The Woodshop course covers the basic principles of woodworking. Including safety precautions, this outlines all one may need to begin working with wood. Students will be able to bring ideas to life with wood


Students will discover and be introduced to the vital components of engineering. Through online CAD software and activities, students will discover a new-found interest in STEM. 

In this course, students will learn about basic circuit-building skills and various circuit laws. They will work with simulators and learn about breadboarding.

Students take on the task of solving a problem by using their engineering and design skills. Take the challenge head-on, follow the engineering and design process, and reach your goal!

FTC Crash Course

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